Drain Cleaning Services in Mesquite and Surrounding Areas

Keeping the water flowing in a home is a necessary part of a clean and functioning household. Not only does clean water need to freely enter the home, but the wastewater must flow out of the home as well. If there is a clog in the drain that prevents the wastewater from leaving the home, it can bring the household to a grinding stop. Fortunately, there are drain cleaning services in Mesquite and surrounding areas to help with this issue.

Signs of a Clogged Drain

It is pretty easy to tell when the sink will not drain that there is some kind of clog in the system. The sink not draining is often caused by a simple clog in the drain under the sink. However, there are some signs of a clogged drain that are not as easy to identify. This is especially true when the clog is further down the line than simply in the kitchen sink drain.

Slow draining is also a sign of a problem. If the drains in the entire house seem to take longer to empty, there may be a clog down the line preventing the water from flowing. If draining water in one area of the home and gurgling sounds are heard in other areas of the house, there may also be a blockage backing things up.

Changes in the levels of the water in the toilet or even sewer smell coming into the home could be a sign of a problem. If any wastewater is backing up into the home, there is definitely an issue with drainage in the home, and should be addressed immediately.

How Do Clogs Happen

If it were simply water going down the drains of a home, it would be less likely for a clog to form. However, more than just water goes down the drain. Food, grease, and other organic materials are commonly washed down the drains.

Grease and oils tend to cling to the sides of the pipes. This can cause other bits of food to stick as well. Over time, these materials build up and close off the pipe, causing difficulties with water flow. Larger pieces that go down the drain can also cause clogs in the smaller pipes. Eventually, these materials must be removed to allow the water to flow again.

DIY Repairs

If the pipes are clogged and water is not flowing, drain cleaning may be necessary. Although homeowners are able to perform this job, it may be best to hire a professional. The home’s drainage system is vital to the safety and functionality of a home. Inexperience can lead to damage and more expensive repairs for homeowners.

Many homeowners utilize either mechanical or chemical means to remove clogs in their drains. Many of these options are designed to fight small drains in the immediate drain and are not for deep clogs within the sewer line. Compressed air and plungers are easily used to remove clogs but have the potential of only pushing the clog further into the system. The excessive pressure could even damage the pipes.

The Dangers of Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners are widely sold in local stores. Some stronger cleaners are found in hardware stores and other specialty facilities. However, these chemicals can be quite dangerous and may cause serious damage to the home’s drain system.

These chemicals are dangerous to humans. Getting it on the skin or in the eyes could cause serious injuries to homeowners. Some may even pose risks from breathing the fumes. Proper care and ventilation must be present when using these products.

In addition to the human dangers, these chemicals can be quite dangerous to the home’s pipes. Plastic pipes can be degraded, melted, or warped. Metal pipes can be dissolved by some of these chemicals. Even seals and other connectors could be seriously damaged by using these caustic chemicals in the home. This could lead to serious damage and injuries.

Professional Cleaning

It may be a better option for homeowners to choose professional drain cleaning in Mesquite and nearby areas. This service is managed by professional plumbers who understand the intricacies of the home’s sewer system and can provide the best and safest options to completely clear the drains.

If there is a significant clog in the system, the professional technician can use a drain camera to pinpoint the location. Once this is established, the technician can use the proper tools needed to completely clear the clog.

In addition to clearing clogs, the technician can also provide complete cleaning of the home’s drains. The cleaning will remove any build-up along the walls of the pipes to prevent future clogs and issues. In the long run, professional services will save homeowners time, stress, and money to get the clean drains they need in their homes.

Our Services 

At Rise Plumbing Systems, our team will provide quality work at every job guaranteed. Our expert contractors are ready to do whatever it takes to provide the service your home needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Contact us today for professional plumbing services.